
A lil of this, a lil of that with a mature, 30ish flair...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

World So Cold...

In this game of life, simply turning on the t.v. can be so depressing. Living within close proximity of Philadelphia, it is hard not to hear the staggering rate of black on black crime... They are averaging 1.5 murders per day. The average American family consists of 2.5 children per household. So I guess in Philly, similiar to China, the average family will consist of 1 child per family if these statistics continue. Who woulda ever thought that a community as large and closenit as the Amish community would suffer alarming demise. I do believe people are people, regardless of race, creed, economic status or location.

Gangs are taking over most urban areas countrywide.

Political heads are quitting and being accused of unmentionable crimes.

The rich get richer; while the poor get poorer.

The more success we become as a country, the more we lose focus of what America stands for.

Whatever happened the the pursuit of happiness?


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